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Much ado about nothing

Hello, everyone~! 。^‿^。 It's time for our usual end of the month update, but... There really isn't much I think I can talk about now! Honestly, I was originally planning to formally announce our new eroge today by name, but due to several different circumstances, I'm going to hold off on that just a bit longer.

I'm someone who firmly believes timing is important, and I think waiting for the right time to start promoting our next work will be key this time. So instead, I'll use this blog post to discuss some things about the next work which I do feel would be OK to talk about now!!

As you all probably figured would be the case, everyone working on this project are pretty much the same people who worked on Manor of Amnesia. I (Akimi) will be doing the scenario once more, with the assistance of bal-anime, who is also doing the artwork! We think there may be some notable improvements in the art this time, since Bal is now drawing with a tablet in CLIP STUDIO PAINT! Yes, that's right, all of the art for Manor of Amnesia was drawn with a mouse. I was surprised too... (´∀`;) His artstyle is still pretty distinctly his though, so it'll still look very similar to Manor of Amnesia, but also fairly different in a way! I love what I've seen so far, and am excited to show it off!

Oh yes, he'll also be drawing the background art himself this time, so we won't be using photographs. I'll go ahead and say though that he's primarily a character artist, so the backgrounds have been a big challenge for him, and in all honesty aren't gonna be the highest quality BG's around, compared to other VNs and eroge. I do think they're decent though, and by using personally drawn backgrounds like this, it gives us a lot more options in where and when we place the scenes when writing! So, I hope you all will be open to this change!

Also, moving on, f-ko will be voicing the heroine again! She won't be using the same type of voice she used for Shiori, so please look forward to hearing a new side to her vocal talents~! She's recorded a little bit already, and what I've heard is simply amazing~! <3 Qualita is returning for the music as well! However, I have a new singer lined up for the Opening theme this time! I'm sure we'll properly introduce her sometime soon, so be excited for that!

Now then... I'm sure you all want me to talk about the story or the game itself, huh...? Well... I don't wanna give too much away... So I'll drop some light hints. How about five? 1. The genre of this next work may possibly be a bit... controversial(??)... Though I'm not sure if we're a big enough group for people to care about what we're doing. But yeah, it's a type of game we wanted to make so we just went for it!

2. Compared to Manor of Amnesia, there will be more characters. However, smaller characters will have smaller roles.

3. Unlike Manor of Amnesia, this game will NOT have one true ending.

4. This game will have a small handful of "bad" endings, scenarios that come about from making the wrong decision. These conclusions will not have any accompanying credit scroll.

5. If you'll allow me to be symbolic for a moment... If one were to look at Manor of Amnesia as a story of love and lust united, then this next story is more like... a tale of love vs. lust... well, at least a part of it is... I think... I'm bad at hinting poetically... orz

So... those are our hints! I wonder if you can predict what kind of story it will be...?

I'm honestly kind of worried how it'll be recieved, but I do hope people who like this kind of story will discover it and enjoy it throughly. BTW, If you haven't gotten a chance to look at the teaser images on the site yet, please go have a look! There's links on the front page, 'works' page, and the previous blog post.

... Wow, for a post where I had nothing to talk about, this turned out pretty long... (^^;)

Oh well, thanks for reading, and here's hoping you'll enjoy this upcoming eroge of ours!!

I'll keep working hard to make sure I can reveal it to you guys ASAP~!

Until next time!

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